Monday, April 1, 2013

Personal Culture

Write your response to this question: ‘How have either a sport, hobby, or music shaped your own personal culture? Give details to support your ideas.’


  1. The music changed the way how i see the life, life is like playing an instrument maybe you know the important things about it, but if you dont work it, you cant improve yous skills and how you prepare for life. With music i get relaxed and think more about what is aroud me. With music i can feel all the ideas that the composers put in their music. So music is like a part of my soul that have shaped my personality and who i am.

  2. this three activities or pasions, define the personality of each person, the behavior and qualities. in my personal case sport and music are two hobbies that complete my life, both are really important, because when i dedicate time to both, my body feels energy to continue with my responsabilities, i consider that my own culture and personalitie is define for the music that i hear and my sports activities, it makes me feel diferent and fine with myself.

  3. Sports are a good way to change the lifestyle of people, in my case, i play rugby and this change my life, specially in the way i see the challenges and the goals, and how i can have a successful life. This is because rugby teach you to many principles like perseverance and discipline and these are important values to have in your life.
